Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Outsourced Social Media

Hello!  I hope you all are enjoying your Summer!  For me it is my favorite time of the year.  Summer means visiting the South Jersey Shore, grilling, spending time outdoors, being with friends and enjoying my Family.  It is also the time that I spend reviewing my accomplishments from the first half of the year to make sure I am on track to reach my goals.

If you know me, you know I'm a goals guy.  I may not always reach them, but I always try and I always learn from any shortfalls.  I also spend a lot of time reviewing my clients goals.  The feedback I get from many is that despite my giving them the foundation for a great social media and online marketing program, they ultimately are spending too much time on operations to "work the program".

I preach consistency.  If you are going to have a social media strategy for your business, you must stick to it.  I send out an inspirational message every Monday morning on FaceBook.  It serves three purposes:

1. It informs
2. It inspires
3. It keeps me top of mind with those who read it.

If you want to have success with online marketing, you must have a consistent message with relevant content.  People will begin to look forward to your messages. 

The problem many of my clients face is having the time or the discipline to put something out there at the same time every week.  "I was too busy" or "I completely spaced it" are common culprits.  I suggest that they put a reminder on their calendar and make it a recurring event.  That way each week, your message will go out with consistency.  Still, they can "snooze" the event and hence procrastination is in full force.  To that end, I have developed a program, which YOUR Company can take advantage of.  Let Solstice Media be your outsourced Social Media Marketing Department!  Save on payroll taxes, insurance and HealthCare costs, which come with an employee and have a business expense to write off instead!  See the details below and thanks for taking the time to read this blog!

Be Awesome!!

Monday, March 25, 2013

A Change of Seasons Gives Clients New Reasons!

Hello Everyone!  Hope you are doing well this year!  Here in the Philly area, despite being Spring, it is snowing outside.  Not really conducive to planting a garden.  But it is conducive to planting seeds.  And I'm not talking about tomato and basil seeds in soil in egg cartons on your window sill.  I'm talking about planting the seeds of consideration into the minds of your potential clients.  Make them consider choosing you over their current service or products provider.

How do you do this?  It's easier than you think.  Use the changing of the seasons to correlate into a changing of providers.  A great way to do this is to offer a seasonal promotion.  Last week I took literally 10 minutes of my time to create a Spring Special Flyer on Constant Contact.  You can use whichever Contact Management System works for you.  I offered a basic video shoot at a special price point.  I chose a category of small businesses/sole proprietors to mail the blast to.  I got three calls and closed one.  I mailed to 260 individuals.

I led with "Spring Has Sprung" - "Plant the Seeds to Grow Your Business".  The season was my reason!  And it worked.  I am confident I will close a second sale from my conversations.  I did reduce my price that I would normally charge, but that is why it's a special.  And I am confident that once they see my work and benefit from it, they will hire me again at full invoice.

So it worked.  Ten minutes of time to gain a new client.  Not too shabby.  It can work in any industry, just tailor your message to your recipients.  Where did I get my mailing list?  I developed it over time by collecting business cards at networking events and I entered names from the database of my local Chamber of Commerce.  Once I created the blast, I quick-shared it onto FaceBook and LinkedIn.

So take a few minutes to earn a new client today.  Give them a reason to choose YOU this season!

Happy Hunting!  -Pete