Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Wow!  Please forgive me for not posting in such a long while.  The good news is, I have been very busy!  So many exciting things are happening with my clients.  We are seeing growth in all areas of business.  Here's some of the ways we have helped our clients:

Web Re-Design - Re-designing and updating your website often keeps things fresh and keeps the search engines revving!
Organic SEO - Finding appropriate link sources with open content comment areas is a great way to exercise organic search engine optimization.
Video Podcasts - Google listings with a well produced video attached have a significantly higher open rate.  Coupled with a quick message are super-effective!
Strategic Media Placement - If you throw a lot of darts, you will eventually hit a bulls eye.  If you increase the size of the bulls eye, you will increase the likelihood of hitting your target.  Choose targeted marketing sources - those that over-deliver on your desired demographic.
Networking - Joining associations such as your local Chamber of Commerce or networking associations are great ways to share your message with a captive audience.  There is nothing better than a personal referral.
Database Management - Periodic blasts and blogs to your potential customers is critical to remaining top of mind.

I have been reviewing my goals for 2011 and reached my sales goal a few weeks back!  Reviewing my goals was critical to my success as I was lagging after the 2nd quarter.  I re-focused my efforts and eliminated the various clutters that were hindering my growth.  If you would like to talk about how Solstice Media can help you reach your goals, please don't hesitate to ask

And enjoy whatever Holiday you may choose to celebrate, but I want to wish you all a safe, healthy and blessed Christmas!
Cheers ~ Pete

Monday, September 26, 2011

Back to School Special

My kids are back in school and that's pretty special!  What this means for me - a small business owner whose wife also works - is more uninterrupted time during the week.  It allows me to schedule more and longer appointments without having to worry if my business fee is being offset by childcare costs!

How do other small businesses cope with these challenges?  I would love to hear your story and see if we can't exchange helpful hints.  I am fortunate that most of my work can be done anywhere as long as I have my laptop and web access, which I do always have.  This choice to live my life a little closer to home has its challenges, but I wouldn't change it for the World.  I have plenty of time for appointments with my clients as long as I plan well.  As a matter of fact, my retainer clients have 7 days per week access to me.  I also have time to coach my kids, volunteer at Church and sneak away for the occasional lunch with my wife. 

You'll find in life - no matter what your life is like - that planning is the key to success.  A major component of planning is having a clear goal in mind.  Documenting your progress and re-visiting your goals along the way is also key.

So as I find myself enjoying the mandatory school day time away from my kids, I also find myself missing them.  I appreciate my Family so much and I am grateful for the time I have with them every day!  I know that they are the catalyst for all my goals and their well being is the ultimate success. 

So if you have the gumption to go out and start your own business, know that the rewards - if you do things right - can far outweigh the risks.

Take care and let me know your thoughts.


Wednesday, August 31, 2011

What Beer Taught Me About Business!

I love my business and I love beer....both in moderation!  I don't want to work all the time and I don't want to drink beer all the time.  The reality is that I work far more than I drink beer and that is probably a good thing. It's definitely a good thing.

But there are many business lessons we can learn from beer and here are a few:

1. Too much pressure can bring things to a head.  If you allow the stress and pressures of your business to overwhelm you, that is bad.  Step back, consider what is causing the pressure and try to address it calmly and directly.  Communication, reflection and reviews are all tools  which can alleviate pressure.  "Tilt the Glass" if you will!

2. One great product is not great for everyone.  If you go into a bar and they only have the World's greatest Pilsner on Tap, you will probably be disappointed if you don't like Pilsners.  People want a variety of products and services available to them so they fell they can make a choice based on their needs.

3. Great Marketing is essential.  Knowing what a demographic desires is essential to your  success.  In the beer business, people want fun associated with flavor.  That is why folks will order brews with names such as "Mad Elf", Wailing Wench" and "Yellow Snow". Names like this would not necessarily work for automobiles or patio furniture.  So know your market and appeal to it.

4. Too much of a good thing can be a bad thing.  Don't oversell your clients to make a quick sale.  In the long run, you may have alienated them as they realize they have more than they need of a product or service and have overspent.  At least in business they probably won't throw up on your shoes!

5. Sometimes mixing can be a good thing.  It is good to want all of your clients' business, but sometimes you have to cooperate and work well with other service providers.  Be supportive of this and as professional as possible.  There are many occasions when I have to work with other Designers or Developers that a client has enlisted.  I make sure to be respectful of their visions but also make sure I have a valid objection if one needs to be taken to the client.  Be professional and care about the client's needs and everything will be fine.  Why can't we all just get along?!  Shot and a beer anyone?

So until next time, have a great business week, enjoy the Labor Day Holiday Weekend and PLEASE don't drink and drive!


Monday, August 8, 2011

With friends like you....

Ah, the old adage: "With friends like you, who needs enemies?!"  It speaks to the hurt you may endure when a friend does you wrong.  There are many great small businesses, which were started by friends and have thrived. But you also hear horror stories about how a business and a friendship was lost.

Another angle is when you start off as a client and a vendor and become friends.  The down side can be allowing receivables to slip off and guilt over charging  from the "rate card".

Here's a third scenario: ignoring your friends when a client is around.

Let's address these one at a time.

If you are considering going into business with a friend, make sure you put everything in writing.  Do not think your friendship puts you above security and organization.  Establish your roles.  Who is the idea person and who is the implementer?  Who is the sales person and who is the collector? What is the revenue share and how much will be reinvested into the business?  You may also want to consider taking online personality profiles to see if you would mesh in a business environment.  If you think you can handle it, then go for it.  But remember, money and friendship don't always mix.

It's a great thing to develop relationships with your clients.  It makes it harder for them to fire you when the competition comes around with a stronger offer.  But on the other side of the coin, it makes it harder for you to say no when they ask for a payment extension or some freebies/favors.  It takes discipline to say no when a client/friend asks for a favor.  Be flexible when you can, but remind them that this is hurting you and needs to be a one-time favor.  Again - the best thing you can do is to put everything in writing.  It shows up front that you are a professional and keeps everything above board.

Finally, if you really value your friends, be loyal to them.  If you are out with your friends and you bump into a client, introduce them.  It doesn't matter if your friends are being a drunk idiot or not.  They are your friends..the ones you can count on through thick and thin.  Your clients will understand if your buddy has his underwear on his head and a shoe missing because somewhere out there they have a friend who is doing the same thing!

So the moral of the story is this: Friends and business make strange bedfellows, but if handled properly and with respect and constant honest communication, can be a formula for success.

Until next time my friends,


Friday, July 8, 2011

Minnows for Sale!

So while vacationing in Avalon Manor, New Jersey, I was reminded by my Son of how traditional business principles still hold true. 

1. Give a customer what they want or need for a fair price.
2. Location, location, location.
3. Prepare a marketing plan that is targeted and within your budget.
4. Create an opportunity for repeat business.

Tommy is selling minnows to people who need fishing bait.  He has a goal in mind.  Make enough money by the end of Summer to buy a new video game and match those funds in his bank account savings.  At his current rate of sales, he should hit that goal in about 2 weeks! 

So here's how he followed the four principles mentioned above:

1. Customers need bait if they want to catch fish.  He sells a pint of A#1 minnows for $5.  Nobody has blinked at the price.  Flounder love minnows.

2. We are just down the street from a municipal fishing pier with dozens of people fishing from it every day.  The Marina sells squid, but not minnows.

3. Tommy has placed signs on the main road advertising minnows for sale and pointing towards our hose.  People knock up and he sells them their minnows. He printed the signs at a total cost of about 30รง TOTAL and mounted them on recycled driftwood and old plywood scraps.

4. Tommy let each customer know we would be here on the weekends and told them he would discount the next order if they re-used the plastic container he provided.  They all said they would be back. 

I am so proud that Tommy has a bit of the Old Man's business savvy!  Nothing in this life comes to you, you have to go get it.....and this Kid's a go-getter!  He has showed me that solid business principles still work and that you can't be a success without a goal and a plan.

If you need help reaching YOUR goals, please don't hesitate to e-mail me.  And if you need minnows, please come to Avalon Manor!

Tune in next time to see what my Son Joey is doing to save up for an iPod Touch!

Take care - Pete

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The First Step is the Hardest to Take

We've all been there.  Planning that pet project in our head.  Organize my workspace, clean out the garage, write the great American novel, start an exercise routine, etc.

I am not willing to help you with any of those things.

But if your pet project is to get started with a social media initiative for your business, then I'm your man!

Solstice Media is currently offering a Summer Special on a New Media package.  I will come to your place of business and produce a video during a two hour session. We will post the video on YouTube. We'll then get your business set up on FaceBook, Twitter and LinkedIN.  We'll create a blog for your business and write the first one.  Then I will come out and train you how to work all of them.  All for the special price of $795!!

Social Media for business is a great way to market your product or services for free and with results.

Solstice can also get you set up with an AdWords account or pay per click campaign.  We can also develop a website or launch page for you.

So take that first step and call Solstice Media today! 

By the way - Happy SOLSTICE!!

Pete Ricci - Solstice Media

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Where Have I Been?!?!

Bless me readers for I have sinned.  It has been 9 months since my last posting.  That is the normal gestation period for humans and although I am a male and can not be pregnant, I have been busy giving birth to a number of accomplishments!

I have partnered up with The Power Room and helped create a video studio complete with green screen.  We have been mostly producing music videos, but are now offering business podcasts, web telecasts, live streaming video and infomercials.  Very exciting stuff.

Solstice is also handling projects for Artist Ardeth Sobyak, The Chester City GOP, National Realty Corporation, Advanced Cleanout, Executive Health Resources and  A very busy couple of months to say the least.

Personally, my charitable and volunteer initiatives are in full swing as well.  I am on the Board of Directors and Executive Committee for the Delaware County Chamber of Commerce, where I also run the Social Media/Marketing Committee and serve on the Executive Search Committee.  Our Charity, Tommy's Gifts for Kids is growing nicely, events are in full swing at St George's Episcopal Church in Ardmore, Pa, where I am the Fund Raising Chair and I am coaching The Dodgers Rookie Baseball Team at Drexel Hill Little League. 

So, obviously I am busy, but that is no excuse for not keeping in touch.  For that I am sorry. 

Talk to you again (real) soon.  -Pete