My kids are back in school and that's pretty special! What this means for me - a small business owner whose wife also works - is more uninterrupted time during the week. It allows me to schedule more and longer appointments without having to worry if my business fee is being offset by childcare costs!
How do other small businesses cope with these challenges? I would love to hear your story and see if we can't exchange helpful hints. I am fortunate that most of my work can be done anywhere as long as I have my laptop and web access, which I do always have. This choice to live my life a little closer to home has its challenges, but I wouldn't change it for the World. I have plenty of time for appointments with my clients as long as I plan well. As a matter of fact, my retainer clients have 7 days per week access to me. I also have time to coach my kids, volunteer at Church and sneak away for the occasional lunch with my wife.
You'll find in life - no matter what your life is like - that planning is the key to success. A major component of planning is having a clear goal in mind. Documenting your progress and re-visiting your goals along the way is also key.
So as I find myself enjoying the mandatory school day time away from my kids, I also find myself missing them. I appreciate my Family so much and I am grateful for the time I have with them every day! I know that they are the catalyst for all my goals and their well being is the ultimate success.
So if you have the gumption to go out and start your own business, know that the rewards - if you do things right - can far outweigh the risks.
Take care and let me know your thoughts.
great blog!