Wednesday, August 31, 2011

What Beer Taught Me About Business!

I love my business and I love beer....both in moderation!  I don't want to work all the time and I don't want to drink beer all the time.  The reality is that I work far more than I drink beer and that is probably a good thing. It's definitely a good thing.

But there are many business lessons we can learn from beer and here are a few:

1. Too much pressure can bring things to a head.  If you allow the stress and pressures of your business to overwhelm you, that is bad.  Step back, consider what is causing the pressure and try to address it calmly and directly.  Communication, reflection and reviews are all tools  which can alleviate pressure.  "Tilt the Glass" if you will!

2. One great product is not great for everyone.  If you go into a bar and they only have the World's greatest Pilsner on Tap, you will probably be disappointed if you don't like Pilsners.  People want a variety of products and services available to them so they fell they can make a choice based on their needs.

3. Great Marketing is essential.  Knowing what a demographic desires is essential to your  success.  In the beer business, people want fun associated with flavor.  That is why folks will order brews with names such as "Mad Elf", Wailing Wench" and "Yellow Snow". Names like this would not necessarily work for automobiles or patio furniture.  So know your market and appeal to it.

4. Too much of a good thing can be a bad thing.  Don't oversell your clients to make a quick sale.  In the long run, you may have alienated them as they realize they have more than they need of a product or service and have overspent.  At least in business they probably won't throw up on your shoes!

5. Sometimes mixing can be a good thing.  It is good to want all of your clients' business, but sometimes you have to cooperate and work well with other service providers.  Be supportive of this and as professional as possible.  There are many occasions when I have to work with other Designers or Developers that a client has enlisted.  I make sure to be respectful of their visions but also make sure I have a valid objection if one needs to be taken to the client.  Be professional and care about the client's needs and everything will be fine.  Why can't we all just get along?!  Shot and a beer anyone?

So until next time, have a great business week, enjoy the Labor Day Holiday Weekend and PLEASE don't drink and drive!


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